About Us

In the days of carousel rides, the outside riders would have a stick, and there was a brass ring hanging from a hook. The goal of these rides was to hook the brass ring.

In modern parlance it has come to mean striving to achieve or gain something that requires a lot of effort. I have named my store after this expression because I have taken a lot of care, and put in a great deal of effort in finding the items for my shop.

Many of the items in The Brass Ring are one-of-a-kind. I focused my efforts on finding pieces from counties that no longer exist and manufacturers that have closed down. As I research my items, I quite often cannot find one like it in the e-commerce marketplace. On occasion, especially with china, I have pieces that not even major china replacement companies have in their database.

I have taken great care to make my store a source of beauty and merchandise that brings joy to people. I hope you will enjoy what I’ve put together! You can stop by at 98 State Street in Heuvelton, New York, or call me at (704) 351-5199. I hope to see you soon!

Contact Us

98 N State Street, Heuvelton NY 13654
Call: (704) 351-5199
Email: info@thebrassringshop.com